Friday, July 20, 2012

Satchel Trends

Satchels are one of the cutest things a girl can have of her arm. Neon is totally in for the summer , so why not have it in your bag. I love the neon trend it's basically perfection when added to an outfit. But if you want to play it more safely leather black satchels add a sense of classy and smarty. The forever21 bag is faux leather but can fool anyone. For the girly girls, a lavender bag from ALDOS will do just the trick. The metal buttons make it look crafty and fun and is perfect for a day out in town. Or if your more of a heavy metal girl the brown spiked bag will make ya' scream. Satchels fit any personality  and can make an outfit.

Neon Bag Satchel Pic.1
Brown Spiked Satchel Pic. 2
Lavender Button Satchel Pic.3
Black Leather Satchel Pic.4


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